Thursday, September 29, 2011

Minutes from 9/14/11 PTSA meeting

Lone Peak High School PTSA Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 10:00 am
Lone Peak High School Conference Room

Members Present:  Annette Kindt, Diane Lohner, Marianna Richardson, Michelle Bagley, Chip Koop, Jim Smith, Julie Schow, Michele Salo, Lisa Shelton, Natalie Dalley
Members Excused:  Lissa Bangerter, Theresa Ebert Volunteer Hours (June to September 14):  165

I.  The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am by Annette Kindt, President.

II.  The Pledge was led by Annette Kindt, individual members were introduced.
III.   Minutes were read by Michelle Bagley, secretary.  Diane Lohner made a motion to approve, Laurie Anderson seconded. The minutes were approved as written.

IV.  Election of President-Elect - Julie Schow made a motion to elect Marianna Richardson as President-Elect, Diane Lohner seconded.  The vote was unanimous in favor. 

V. Financial Report - Diane Lohner, Treasurer
A.  Budget - Laurie mentioned putting the budget on the blog.  Laurie Anderson made a motion to accept the budget, Marianna seconded the motion.  The vote to approve the budget was unanimous.
B.  The "Basic Fiscal Management Procedures" and "Ethics/Conflict of Interest" forms were signed by the executive board.
VI.  President's Minute - Annette Kindt
A.  Changing banks - There was a discussion to change banks from the credit union to either Chase Bank or the Bank of American Fork.  Julie Schow made a motion to change banks to the Bank of American Fork.  Diane Lohner seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous in favor.
B.  Individual handbooks and volunteer lists were distributed to the appropriate commissioners.
C.  Meeting times and dates - After a discussion it was decided to keep the meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at 10:00 am.
D.  Reports -  Registration, Pictures and Meet the Candidates Night went smoothly.

VII.  Commission Reports
     A.  Health/Safety - Michelle Salo
1.  Set up a Drug Awareness/Prevention Table at Conferences, the contact is Eileen Barton.
2.  A discussion was held about also having some kind of Pornography Awareness information at conferences, Annette Kindt would contact presenters.
     B.  Reflections - due October 28 at 3:00pm
C.  Community Involvement
1.  Teacher Appreciation week - Natalie Dalley will give small seasonal gifts to teachers at least three times before Teacher Appreciation Week, which is May 7 - 11.
2.  Teacher Dinners - Julie Schow is in charge of getting food for 125 staff members from volunteers.  It was decided to continue providing homemade food.
D.  Teacher report - Jim Smith asked the parents if they preferred to rent or buy graduation gowns, the consensus was to buy them this year.
E.  Administrator report- Dr. Koop
- Lone Peak has been open 15 years
- There is a combined LPHS PTSA/SCC meeting about the Bond on Oct 6 at 1 pm
- The crosswalk lights are working and the students are using them
- Parent teacher conferences will be held in the cafeteria/gym for fall
- The district proposed to hold Graduation outside the school year, no members agreed.
- Parents need to give permission for students to dress in nontraditional ways for school pictures
VIII.  Upcoming events 
A.  Be The Change - September 27, 28 - more parent volunteers needed
B.  Parent Teacher Conferences - September 21, February 15

IX.  Photos were taken of the PTSA Board

X.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.

Next meeting:  combined PTSA/SCC meeting on October 6 at 1:00 pm