Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oct. 14th - Next PTSA meeting

We'd love to hear your input, your concerns or suggestions. Please join us for the next PTSA meeting, Wed. Oct. 14th at 10am at the Front Office. See you there!


Don't forget --- PTSA members receive the following dance discounts

Sweethearts $3 off ticket price
Preference $3 off ticket price
Election Stomp $1 off ticket price

by showing your PTSA member sticker on the back of your student ID at the Finance window when you purchase your ticket.

Urgent Member to Member Call for Action

Hello to participants in Member to Member. Tyler Slack, Utah PTA Trust Lands Appointee, has asked that I send out the following urgent call for action TODAY on an issue before Congress. Please read the information, carefully, and make phone calls to our delegation. Thanks for your immediate action as you head into the Fall Break!

Cheryl Phipps
Utah PTA Legislative VP


1 million acres of school land will be captured in a wilderness bill
that will be heard in subcommittee in the U.S. Congress on Thursday,
October 1. H.R. 1925 will negatively effect the School Land Trust
program funds that your children directly benefit from as decided by
parents, teachers and the principal in your school. Congress has an
obligation to the school children of Utah and they need to hear from
you today!

The following information about how you can contact your congressman
has been provided for your convenience:

Rep. Jim Matheson - (202) 225-3011 or (877) 677-9743

Rep. Rob Bishop - (202) 225-0453

Rep. Jason Chaffetz - (202) 225-7751

Sen. Bob Bennett - (202) 224-5444

Sen. Orrin Hatch - (202) 224-5251

(Links to a contact form for each congressman can be found at the
bottom of this email if you prefer not to call)


H.R. 1925 "America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2009", sponsored by
Rep. Hinchey of New York, designates 9.4 million acres of wilderness
in Utah.

If this bill passes, it will mean:

* 20% of the State of Utah will be wilderness
* Over 1 million acres of School Trust Lands will be captured,
which equals 1/3 of the land that makes money for the schools
* School Trust Lands in wilderness area will be unable to generate
revenue for schools

You will recall that:

* All the net revenue from these school lands is invested in the
permanent State School fund and it is the interest and dividends from
this fund that funds the School Land Trust program
* The School Land Trust money is the only discretionary money that
every school receives
* The School Land Trust program provides for science/computer
labs, reading teachers, take-home books, and remediation according to
plans developed by parents, teachers and the principal in your school

Also, remember that Utah PTA and its members have resolved (as
outlined in the School Trust Lands Resolution - EDU-2004-2) to:

* Work to encourage Federal and State officials to fulfill their
responsibilities under the Enabling Act by assisting the State in
proper management of School Trust Lands for their intended purpose, to
support schools
* In cases where management for trust purposes would conflict with
other important purposes, such as protection of archaeological,
aesthetic, or other environmental or cultural resources, that the
Federal Government or state purchase, or trade the affected lands for
other lands of comparable value
* Encourage any such trade or purchase be for the full value of
the trust lands, with an appropriate additional amount to compensate
the school trust for losses incurred due to failure of permit
reasonable development of the trust lands in question

The scale of this potential taking-of-school-lands is staggering- it
is five times larger than the lands that were taken when the Grand
Staircase National Monument was created. School Trust Lands were
granted to Utah by Congress over 100 years ago, before Statehood, to
support our public schools. Congress has an obligation to the school
children of Utah which they need to be reminded of. PLEASE REMIND

Utah PTA

Tyler Slack
Trust Lands Appointee
Utah PTA

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 2009 minutes



LPHS Main Office Conference Room

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Present: Theresa Ebert, Zach Sundwall, Laurie Anderson, Chip Koop, Brandi LaPlante, Jody Mower, Diane Lohner, Shelly Loong, Chartina Voorheis, Laura Dollar, Pola Morrison. Excused: Ruth Bourne.

Reading and approval of minutes: Laura Dollar

Minutes were approved as corrected.

Volunteer hours: 375

Reverence and Pledge: By Laura Dollar, for Ruth Bourne.

Report of Treasurer: Diane reported that we had received the check from finance office for our registration and the numbers came in at 951 members (518 students) at this point. There are 14 teachers who joined PTSA. This number should increase soon. Pola will place invitations to join in teacher boxes. (There are 92 teachers at LPHS).

Reports of Executive Board and Commissioners:

Guest: Brandi LaPlante, from Barnes and Noble bookstores discussed our options for Book Fair opportunities.

1) In store event. PTSA advertises and invites groups to perform. Earn 10-25 % of sales.

2) Required reading book fair at Parent-Teacher conference. Set up and run by B&N.

3) Take home book fair. PTSA collects orders and money, receives 20% discount as a profit.

Options were discussed and materials left. It was decided that we were interested and that Theresa Ebert would contact Brandi when we had made a decision.

President: Shelly Loong reviewed the input from the needs assessments received at registration and online, as well as teacher’s needs. Concerns were class size, college prep, time management and substance abuse. Parents are using the school website and parent link regularly and are also concerned about the length of lunch time (too short). The survey will remain on the website for awhile longer. Teachers like the grants and meals and help from the PTSA as well as Teacher Appreciation week.

Welcomed Chartina Voorheis as our new teacher rep. Rebecca will continue to help with Reflections. Shelly will meet with a representative from Chase Bank today as a business partner. She would like to see people nominated for Golden Apple and Leap awards. Will talk to Awards commissioner, Lisa Hogge.

Pres. Elect: Theresa reported on registration activities. Issues to discuss were noted(No class changes during the hours of registration, packets out earlier, computers down on Sunday, better signage for payment option lines) A member of the PTSA to be invited to the planning meeting for next years registration.

Administrative V.P.: Dr Koop expressed appreciation for the help with registration and the meal at Back to School Night, parenting seminar and school pictures. He reported on numbers of students and teachers at LPHS (just over 2100 students, 92 teachers, one of largest schools in the district). He discussed the Character program and the “Failure Challenge” program briefly. (20% of our students failed at least one class last year). The new gym was discussed along with concerns about the district views as necessary and what the real needs are. (Don’t need another small gym, need a facility that will handle more P.E, classed and other needs too). Discussed need for more parking instead of landscaping near baseball fields. Please take a look and report to district the need. Feedback of the speech by Pres. Obama was shared, not much class time lost as students were allowed to view it or work in media center.

Student Involvement: Laurie Anderson gave thanks for help with school pictures. Kim Christensen has volunteered to handle this again next year. Shelly has called to express appreciation to her for her help. Reported that the Shield of Honor program will begin and first presentation will be given in November. Peter Sundwall explained how the program works.

Leadership V.P.: Jody Mower discussed the formation of a PTSA Procedure Book and passed out information for each member, including activity reports and check request forms as well as a roster and list of meeting dates. Activity reports are to be filled in immediately following an event or assignment and turned in to the secretary to be filed in the Procedure book. This is our history. Reports were turned in for Picture volunteers, and Parenting seminar. (Still need registration, membership drive and Back to School Night dinner. Articles 2 and 3 from the bylaws (Purposes of PTSA and Basic Policies) were reviewed. Executive board will continue to review and amend, as needed, the current bylaws for approval and renewal. Nominating committee was elected. Jody Mower, Theresa Ebert and Laura Dollar will serve as the nominating committee with Pola Morrison and Michelle Bagley (will be asked) as alternates. Motion was made to accept this nominating committee by Diane Lohner and a second was made by Shelley Loong.

Membership: Pola will get list of membership printed at finance office from Diane and will invite each teacher to join PTSA (note in boxes), Chartina offered to send an email of encouragement as well. She will also post minutes, bylaws on blog. Clarifications were made on which dances received discounts with PTSA membership sticker. (Preference, Sweethearts and Election Stomp). This discount cannot given online for purchases, only at finance office. Dr. Koop will let finance office know this information.

Reflections: Ingrid Ellenberger will be working on this and contacting teachers for involvement by placing a flyer with the information in their boxes. She will need help with posters for advertising. Zach suggested that we get the information to Gary Dunn and the Student Council can help with the posters.

Date of next meeting: October14, 10:00am at LPHS

Meeting Adjourned: 11:40 am

Minutes accepted:_____________________

Secretary’s signature:_________________________

Aug. 2009 minutes



LPHS Main Office Conference Room

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Present: Theresa Ebert, Laura Dollar, Pola Morrison, Jody Mower, Annie Burr,Zach Sundwall, Ruth Bourne, Diane Lohner, Laurie Anderson, Renda Bahr.

Excused: Shelly Loong, Dr. Chip Koop.

Call to Order: Thersea Ebert. 10:15

Reverence/Flag: Laura Dollar

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Laura Dollar. Minutes were approved as submitted. Minutes from May 13, 2009 were also read. These minutes were amended to contain the names of the newly elected board members for 2009-2010. These minutes were accepted by the Executive board on 7/6/09 and were approved as corrected.

Volunteer hours recorded: 42 hours

Report of Treasurer: Diane Lohner presented the proposed budget which was put on file. Discussion followed including how to proceed with the grant that was allotted but not dispersed for ”Be the Change Day”. She has a letter on file from Janalee(former treasurer) on this subject. There was a review on whether the budget needed to be publicly posted prior to approval. Diane will study this further. Jody Mower made a motion to accept this proposed budget as written, pending the actual total of funds from membership drive. The motion was seconded and vote passed.

Reports of Executive Board and Commissioners:


Theresa(Pres. Elect) discussed need for Legislative VP and will talk with Jessica Smulin to see if she would be willing to fill this position. She passed around a schedule for volunteers to help the finance office during registration. Carol would like 10 volunteers per day. Trudy Nelson came to discuss what they needed help with and the times they needed volunteers. It was suggested that we involve student volunteers as well. Theresa will fill in the volunteer list. Registration packets will arrive in homes this week and unless class changes need to be made all are encouraged to pay on line (can even do this the day of registration at the LPHS library). Trudy also explained that High school registration cannot be done totally by mail, like the jr. high because of the t-shirts, textbooks, parking passes and the large number of students.

Pola has set up an email account for PTSA board and a PTSA Blog that she will updated. It will be linked to the LPHS website by Laurie Anderson. We can post the board and budget on blog. The email address is HYPERLINK "" and the password is . Blog address is

Laura presented a parent survey to be used at registration, suggested doing a teacher survey as well. Shelly was emailed the parent survey to approve and copy.

Theresa was checking on the possibility of a book fair at registration where students could buy copies of required reading books. After discussion with Dr. Koop, LPHS will not participate in the tri-school dance fund raiser this year.

Leadership VP: Jody will meet with Shelly to review the by laws as they need to be resubmitted this year to the state PTA in September and some changes need to be made. She will present the changes next month.

Membership: Pola also had signups for people to help at registration and made arrangements with Diane to come at the end of each day to count any membership funds collected at the membership table. A locking cash box will be provided by the finance office. Parent volunteer sign up sheets will be at the table as well. Shelly has membership cards and will get them to Pola. Pola will make a “welcome back” note and small treat to put in teacher boxes to encourage them to join PTSA. (75-80 copies).

Pola also reported on boutique plans. There is not enough time to properly market and approve a fall boutique so the motion was made that we table the discussion to plan for a spring boutique.

Community Involvement: Ruth passed a list of items to be donated by volunteers for the salad bar for the teachers at Back to School night, August 18th. She would like a copy of s volunteer list from last year for help soon, as would Pola. Annie reported on preliminary plans for teacher appreciation. Laurie Anderson will need help with pictures on August 25-26th. Email from Janalee notes that Kim Christensen volunteered to be in charge of those volunteers. Her phone number is . A list will be on the PTSA table for volunteers to sign up. Theresa will follow up on this assignment with Kim.

Student VP: Zach was welcomed to the board and expressed appreciation for what was accomplished by PTSA and a desire to serve this year.

Date of next meeting: September 9, 2009 10:00 am

Meeting Adjourned: 11:30 am

Minutes Accepted as corrected:_____________

Secretary’s Signature:_____________________

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A message from LPPTSA President, Shelly Loong

"Fall Forward!

A common saying heard in the early months of the year is "spring forward." This saying was created to help us remember what to do with our clocks in order to make adjustments to the amount of darkness in our days. When we think of spring forward we think of moving ahead or going forward. Sometimes we often feel a lift in our step and an increase in our pace.

What do we commonly think of after school has started and when Fall comes? We think of "fall back". This reminds us to
give ourselves more time and move the clock backward one hour. May I suggest that when Fall comes, even though we are
turning our clocks backward, that we still think of moving forward and staying ahead. It is always better to be prepared and get things done in time and on time.

Lone Peak PTSA is looking forward to this school year. We are excited about our Reflections contest coming up and the Shields of Honor Recognition program. We are grateful to those parents and students who have joined our organization. Others may still join. We look forward to working with our teachers and our students in order to make Lone Peak High a place where our students are celebrated. We want to see them succeed in all areas of their lives.

We need your help to make a difference in their lives. We all have something important we can do for our children. Just let us know what it is that you can do!"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lone Peak PTSA 2009-10 Nominating Committee

This year's nominating committee will be: Laura Dollar, Theresa Ebert and Jody Mower. Alternates are: Pola Morrison and Diane Lohner. If you are interested in participating in the committee or interested in becoming a board member, please email us at:

Amended Bylaws for Comments and Suggestions

All PTA members are invited to review the ammended bylaws for Lone Peak High School PTSA. They will be available on this site for comments and suggestions until October 10. At the general board meeting on October 14 all members are invited to attend and vote on the bylaws as ammended. Contact Jody Mower at 801 376 3834 or Shelly Loong 801 756 3707 if you have any questions. Please forward comments and suggestions to:

To view amended bylaws please click on the following link:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

News from UTAH PTA Legislative VP

Hello! Here's the latest info. from Utah PTA legislative information. We'll be posting more information as it becomes available.

"A PTA member sent me some helpful information that I wanted to pass on to you if you are needing information about candidates for elected office. I hope that this will be helpful to you. It will be a few months until you will find much there. This is a great site, nonetheless.

A new website has been created by the State Elections Office to provide information
to voters. To access this website go to, then
click on Voter Information Website listed on the bottom left-hand
side of the screen. Once there, enter the required information and your
voter information will appear. Click on sample ballot to bring up the names of candidates on your ballot.

You can click on the candidate names in blue type to view their statement of
qualifications. Candidate names appearing in black type did not submit
a statement. A candidate was not required to submit a statement.
Statements for candidates in a district not requiring a primary will not
show until the general election ballot is posted.

Cheryl Phipps
Utah PTA Legislative VP"