Thursday, September 10, 2009

A message from LPPTSA President, Shelly Loong

"Fall Forward!

A common saying heard in the early months of the year is "spring forward." This saying was created to help us remember what to do with our clocks in order to make adjustments to the amount of darkness in our days. When we think of spring forward we think of moving ahead or going forward. Sometimes we often feel a lift in our step and an increase in our pace.

What do we commonly think of after school has started and when Fall comes? We think of "fall back". This reminds us to
give ourselves more time and move the clock backward one hour. May I suggest that when Fall comes, even though we are
turning our clocks backward, that we still think of moving forward and staying ahead. It is always better to be prepared and get things done in time and on time.

Lone Peak PTSA is looking forward to this school year. We are excited about our Reflections contest coming up and the Shields of Honor Recognition program. We are grateful to those parents and students who have joined our organization. Others may still join. We look forward to working with our teachers and our students in order to make Lone Peak High a place where our students are celebrated. We want to see them succeed in all areas of their lives.

We need your help to make a difference in their lives. We all have something important we can do for our children. Just let us know what it is that you can do!"